In this course we answer the question: why is it so important for business owners to create a sustainable supply chain? We address the potential returns on investment (ROI) of building a. vertically-integrated supply chain as you scale up your operations, and the pitfalls of selecting supplier partners that don't align with your company culture.

Your Course Objectives:
  • How to identify and vet values-aligned supplier partners that can grow with you
  • How to establish credibility as a supplier
  • How to ensure product quality throughout your supply chain

Cureate Course: Creating Sustainable Supply Chains

  Cureate Courses featuring Sarela Herrada, SIMPLi
Available in days
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We're joined by industry expert Sarela Herrada to discuss how to create sustainable supply chains. Sarela is the Founder of SIMPLi, where she focuses on ethical food sourcing to create a vertically-integrated supply chain, from working directly with the international farming communities to the distribution of products to market. Prior to SIMPLi, Sarela spent 5 years at CAVA Group, where she led supply chain strategy and execution - which included national foodservice distribution for 350+ restaurants under two brand catalogs (CAVA + Zoe's Kitchen) - purchasing over 150MM+ spend and 300+ unique SKUs in various categories.

We highlight tidbits of knowledge from our industry expert, along with Five Steps on how to achieve the Course objectivesTune in to find out How To Build Values-Based Vertical Integration in Your Supply Chain — From Farmer, to Distributor, to Retailer.

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